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What to do?

Upledger’s Craniosacral Therapy

Find a good therapist in Google or here:

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A good book to have in hand:
"Fight Autism and Win"

A good group to be part of: "Recovering Kids - Biomedical healing"

Neuroplasticity Therapies

Science recently (just 17 years ago) discovered that the Brain has got the capacity to regenerate, overcoming its difficulties. This is called Neuro(Brain) Plasticity. You child’s problems are of neurological origin, so strengthening his brain is the key to recover functionality. Better to do after some months of Upledger’s Craniosacral Therapy, when the craniosacral system is starting to work better.

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Multisensory therapy, easy, cheap, intensive (home based, daily) and very effective, recommended especially for small or low functioning kids. Works symmetrically on the brain.


The Brain

Based on Physical (Aerobic) exercise to generate new cells, cheap if done independently (can be learned from a book), intensive (home based, preferably daily) and very effective, requires the child to understand instructions. Works asymmetrically on the brain, solving all its problems including those generated by an imbalanced brain like ADHD and Dyslexia.


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More neuroplasticity therapies in this must read book:


"The Brain's Way of HealingBy Norman Doidge


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